ten pet food tips!

Do not purchase dog or cat food from a grocery store or veterinarian's office unless you're familiar with the brand and are absolutely sure it's great stuff that is good for your pet.
Choose foods that aren't advertised on TV.
Read products reviews online. Ex: petfoodratings.org
Rotate your pet's source of animal protein for optimal amino acid and nutrients. My dog does better with vegetarian kibble so I supplement her diet with raw bones and meat from time to time, but if you purchase dog food with animal-based proteins, choose foods that contain animals that are less likely to be raised in a feed lot or low quality CAFO (like chicken, beef, pork, farmed fish). Many high quality dog foods contain buffalo, venison, rabbit, wild fish, and even kangaroo.
Read all ingredients ON THE BACK of the bag/package and don't believe any of the marketing.
Avoid pet foods with grains like corn, wheat, or soy as the first few ingredients. Some say avoiding grain is a must, but do what's best for your pet.
NEVER BUY CAT FOOD THAT CONTAINS GRAIN. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they MUST eat meat; they are biologically designed to require meat for survival. Furthermore, they do not need carbohydrates in their diet. In fact, it is damaging to their bodies when too many carbs (namely grains) are ingested. Grains are far cheaper than meat, so many pet food companies use grains as fillers in cat food to be more cost effective.
Cats are meant to get their water from their food. Give them wet food or canned food. If this is too expensive/they won't eat it, soak their dry food in water prior to feeding.
Do not feed your cat or dog homemade food without consulting a professional. They need to eat more than animal muscle (what humans generally consume) for optimal health. The bones, cartilage, and organs contain vital nutrients for them.
Monitor your pet's digestion and energy levels. Don't be afraid to try many different types and brands in order to discover what they do best with. Keep in mind that the longer they have eaten the same food, the longer it will take to transition them to a new type. Best to consult with someone who knows about how to do this before attempting, if you've never done it or if your pet might have a health issue.